Friday, May 15, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Our Father
Part Three

Why is keeping it simple so hard? Shouldn’t it be easy? But in a world that cry’s out for bigger, better, more my mind tells me that simple is too easy. I then begin to over analyze the situation and before I’m finished I have taken something simple and made it complicated. But as I read the Lord’s Prayer I’m reminded how beautiful simple can be.

'Our Father in heaven’: I have a father in heaven. According to Larry Kreider in the book “Building Your Personal House of Prayer” the first room entered is the Family Room. I will address my father in the family room. This is a wonderful picture for me. When I think of a family room I think of something comfortable and safe. The problem I have is the word ‘Father’. It’s so formal.

I have been blessed to have a remarkable earthly father. He is a man who always took care of me, provided for my needs and loves me unconditionally. However, when I was growing up he was stern, strict and somewhat dictatorial. He is a man of very few words. In spite of this the words he uses can make me laugh until I cry or cut me like a knife. This being said when I think of ‘Our Father in Heaven’; I tend to think of an austere taskmaster. Someone I fear as much as I love. This sometimes makes it hard for me to approach my heavenly Father without fear and trepidation.

Many years ago when I was only twenty-five I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. When I awoke from surgery the first person I saw walk into my room was my father. The look of love mixed with the pain on his face brought even more tears, still all I could think of was “Daddy make it better”. At that moment in time, I didn’t want a Father I wanted my Daddy. And my Daddy was there with open arms and a strong shoulder for me to cry on.

I’ve started to think of my Father in heaven as my Daddy. I can almost see the smile on his face when I come to him as a little girl seeking his love and giving him mine. I can’t think of anything I’d rather be than Daddy’s little girl. It’s so simple.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part Two Prayer

As I continue my journey to simplify I start to think about prayer. Can prayer be as simple as being loved by God? I’m beginning to believe that it can. When the disciples walked with Jesus they saw incredible things. They saw Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. The disciples also saw him pray. After awhile they were healing the sick and casting out demons. Finally they came to Jesus and asked if he would teach them to pray. Now I’m no scholar but wouldn’t one think the disciples should have already known how to pray? Jesus taught them this simple prayer in Matthew 6:9:

"This, then, is how you should pray: "

'Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one (NIV)

(Some versions add the following)

For Yours is the kingdom and
The power and the glory forever. Amen. (NKJV)

I am reading the book “Building Your Personal House of Prayer” by Larry Kreider. Mr. Kreider builds an imaginary house using each line of this prayer as a room. I began to think about the simple beauty of this prayer and I started to consider my feelings about each line. I’m reminded how often I overcomplicate things. This prayer offers honesty, humility and most of all simplicity. Once again I realize my life will simplify if I focus on God and His ways. It’s so simple!

Friday, May 1, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part One
April 22, 2009

It’s so simple why do we make it so hard? I’m talking about being a Christian. God in His infinite wisdom makes it so easy, yet as humans we try to improve on His plan and complicate it. According to the Bible in John 3:16(NIV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Wow that’s pretty simple. God loved the world. He gave the world His one and only son Jesus. Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Hmmm, sounds simple to me. But surely it can’t be that easy. Are you saying God that all I have to do is believe? That’s it? What about all the wonderful things I do for you? Don’t I get extra credit for that? In school I was taught if I did enough extra credit work I could raise my grade, doesn’t that work with you? There must be something I can do to earn your love and eternity, isn’t there?

Yet I read it again and it says God loved the world, sent His son, believe in Jesus and have eternal life. Since I’m part of the world that must mean that God loves me. I have lived and worked in a world that tells me I’m only as good as my next project. I need to perform. I need to prove my worth. I have to do better the next time and the time after that until I get it right which of course I never will but I must keep trying.

Excuse me God, are you telling me that you love me just because I’m me? Because I’m a living, breathing human being? That’s it? Then I am reminded of the words God spoke in Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;”

So that’s it. God loves me just because. Ahh that feels good… and yet it’s so simple.