Friday, August 19, 2016

An Open Letter to the GOP /#Nevertrumpers Elite 8/19/16

Dear GOP Elite, I would like to address the issues that are going on with this election season. I’m sure by now you have realized that I am what you call a typical Trump voter. I’m white, blue collar, what you would call a “low information voter” without a degree from a fancy college, an angry male, and *gasp* I’m from West Virginia. Yes in your minds, I am a loser.

Oh wait, that’s not right, I’m not a blue collar worker, I own my own business, and prior to that I worked for two different Fortune 500 companies as Director of Creative Services. You are right about one thing though I don’t have a fancy degree, in fact I don’t have a degree. I worked my way up the ladder to these positions because I was smart and I was willing to work hard. With both of these company’s I was sitting at my desk at other companies and received a call asking me to come to work for them. I didn’t even apply.  Oh and one other thing, I’m a woman. Wow what a loser I must be; even if I didn’t know this I’d have you and the media to remind me ever day.

Do you know one of the reasons I was successful? I was honest, trustworthy and my word was my bond. Can you say that? My family was blue collar; my dad worked 37 years in a steel mill. Do you remember steel mills? Have any of you ever been in one? Have you seen how hard the employees work and how tired they are at the end of the day? When was the last time you needed to change your clothes before you left work? Well you may have needed to put on a tux because you were going to one of your fancy dinners were you would pay my month’s salary to eat rubber chicken.

Let’s go back to my word being my bond, (I’m sorry, am I plagiarizing Michelle Obama?) right because that’s such a unique saying I don’t believe anyone had ever heard it before she said it. I can tell you a phrase I had never heard before, ‘for the first time in my life I’m proud of my country’; really Michelle?

But I digress, my word… Isn’t it ironic that the reason the 17 candidates for the Republican Party were asked to take the pledge was because of Donald Trump. How could anyone believe that he would become the nominee? Mr. Trump was the only honest person on the stage that night who said he may not support the GOP. All of the self-righteous ones proudly raised his or her hand to show solidarity.  What happened, where did you go?

Let’s see if I can even remember who you are: Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham, what happened? I remember watching the debate, (even though I’m not smart enough to understand what you talked about) nevertheless I do remember you raising your hands, I learned that part in first grade, and you said oh yes Bret Baier, I’m for the nominee no matter who it is… seriously?

At least these gentlemen kept their word, maybe some of them begrudgingly, but they did keep it: Ben Carson, Chris Christy, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Jim Gilmore, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, and Marco Rubio, and may I add that Reince Priebus has shown he will fight for the party.

Tonight I heard a very interesting comment from Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education under President Reagan, “he (Donald Trump) doesn’t need to speak to the ‘Never Trumpers’, some of my friends or maybe former friends who suffer from a terrible case of moral superiority and put their own vanity and taste above the interest of the country,”

Wow I wish I was smart enough to have said that, especially to Mitt Romney. May I say that you sir, were not my first or even second choice during the last election, in spite of that I voted for you because I thought you would be better than Barack Obama. Now I’m not so sure. I can say the same about John McCain in 2008, but “at this point what difference does it make?”

This leads me to Hillary Clinton. Apparently being a liar, a crook, a follower of Saul Alinsky and a devotee of Margaret Sanger make her more qualified than Trump. I won’t waste your time by going through little things like Benghazi, Whitewater, Travelgate, etc., etc. etc… but then again I’m a low information voter what do I know.

I also heard a well respected pollster talk about how odd that Trump may lose Utah, is that so Mr. Romney, I wonder how that could happen? Could it by your influence in the Mormon Church and perhaps a new candidate, Evan McMullin from Utah who just happens to be a Mormon? Do you by any chance have something to do with this? Considering that most of the states have passed the deadline to get ones name on the ballot you must be really desperate to destroy Trump and get Hillary into office. My problem is how could anyone on the Republican side want Hillary as President? Another question for you Mitt ole buddy, where was all this tenacity during the 2012 election? When did you turn into a fighter? Too bad we didn’t see any of this during the last cycle, can you say Candy Crowley??

Well ladies and gentleman I could go on but really what do I know, I’m just a low information voter from a hillbilly state, it’s a wonder I can tie my own shoes. But then again, to quote that feisty ‘Coal Miners Daughter’ “I might be ignorant but I ain’t stupid!” regardless of what you think of me. My prayer is in the end; Mr. Trump gets the last laugh, you elitists’ snobs.

Gerri Milosevich
Coral Springs, FL

PS I have the guts to sign my name, I'm not hiding behind some 'Super Pac'