Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If I Were a Highway, I’d Be Route 66

February 22, 2008

Over the last 6 to 8 months I’ve been getting a lot of stuff on Route 66. Let me explain. You know how sometimes you see something, and then before you know it, everywhere you look you see that same thing. That’s how it was for me with Route 66. Now when these things happen I believe that God is trying to tell me something. Let me give you some examples. One day I saw something on Route 66 and I thought wouldn’t it be fun to travel what’s left of it. Then the next day or so I was watching a documentary and they were traveling over Route 66. That same night I go to a dinner party and I have a Route 66 cup holder. Actually one of the other people at our table had one too. Out of five tables and about 40 people, we had the only two-cup holders with the Route 66 logo on it.

So once I’ve been beat over the head enough I finally get it and start to ask what is this all about. I started to research the subject and thanks to the Google guru’s I came to the conclusion that there are 66 books in the Bible and that God was telling me to spend more time in His word. That’s the Readers Digest version. I understood what He was saying and I was happy to finally figure it out.

But since that time, I’ve been thinking about it and I realized that if I were a highway I’d be Route 66. I mean think about it. When it was new it was beautiful and everyone was really excited. The same could be said about me. I was a beautiful baby and everyone was thrilled, except for my older brother that is. As the highway continued it grew to become a reliable way to travel. Once again as I grew I became a very responsible young person, but I still had a ways to go.

By now the highway was complete and people were using it to get to places. People weren’t using me but I did become a resource for taking people places; first in carpools than through advertising etc. Now the road has been decommissioned and although I may not be obsolete (a least not yet) I am a 50-50. (Ref previous blog) All of my connections don’t work as well as they should and I could certainly use with a highway beautification program.

Route 66 is called the Mother Road and I feel like I carry the Mother load. (Pun intended) one other similarity, Route 66 since it’s decommission has become romanticized. The PoPu’s who truly believe that I’m not smart enough to make up my own mind and vote as an intelligent adult too has romanticized me. They kind of smile and nod there head, just like at old Aunt Bertha and sigh about the good old days when I was still young enough that no on believed I was a grandmother.

But then again, I am a 50-50 and there really is nothing romantic about that now is there? Leave it to the PoPu’s to even ruin romance. Oh well that’s my thoughts for today. Think about me the next time you see Route 66 and remember for a brief and shinning moment I was young, beautiful and a very good way to get from point A to point B. Maybe some day I’ll make it all the way to Z and it won’t be because I’m sleeping (zzzzzz) Ahhh that one might dream.

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