Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Number 14

As I reflect on the terror attach at Fort Hood I realize that few things bring ones own issues into focus faster than the cold blooded murder of innocent, defenseless people. People in the mist of everyday life going about their day never expecting or anticipating that such evil were lying in wait for them. Thirteen innocent people living their lives with honor and dignity and serving our country with pride.

But what about the 14th person? The one I haven’t heard anyone talking about, Pvt. Francheska Velez was pregnant. I don’t know how far along she was but she was home from Iraq and ready for leave because she was pregnant. This poor innocent child has, for the most part, been ignored. I find it a sad commentary on where we are as a society that an unborn child is no longer a person worthy to be counted.

I am blessed to have children and grandchildren. My children are older so I didn’t have the advantages of modern technology. There was no pregnancy test or ultrasound. I went through the pregnancy the old fashioned way. I missed my period and then had to wait until I missed my second one to guess that I was pregnant. Having been very regular, in my mind when I was a few days late, I knew in my heart that I was pregnant. From that moment, I knew there was a living, breathing human being inside of me. Yes, I was married, yes I wanted this, but every fiber of my being knew that this was a child. I had no doubt as to when life began. It began as soon as my egg became fertilized. By the time I knew there was a child inside of me, that child was already four to eight weeks old.

Just as I know that the baby that was living inside of Pvt. Velez was a human worthy of counting. So I mourn for the thirteen people that were murdered. And yes, I mourn for Baby Velez, number fourteen.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It’s So Simple
Kingdom, Power & Glory
Part Eleven
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever and ever, amen.
I’ve really struggled to finish this series and I’m not sure why. But I’m determined to complete so here it is. As an American it’s sometimes hard to understand a Kingdom. Since 1776 we have lived as free men and women without a sovereign ruler. Having said that, I don’t have first hand knowledge of being ruled. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had parents and bosses and teachers that I’ve had to submit to, but I don’t think that’s the same as having a Queen or King that I’ve had to bow before. So what is God’s Kingdom? According to Romans 14:17 (NIV) 17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Righteousness, that’s a hard one. I try to live my life with righteousness but in today’s world it’s challenging. I’m being assaulted from all sides. Watching TV for more than ten minutes will show dozens of ways to undermine another so as to get the upper hand in any situation. It doesn’t matter if it’s righteous or not as long as victory is mine. I don’t think that’s what Jesus would do.

Peace, now that’s really challenging today. The world has turned upside down. I’m reminded of the scripture from Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Anytime God starts a sentence with “Woe” I know there is trouble.
Joy, hmmm, I’m generally a happy sort of person but I believe that joy is something more. According to the dictionary joy means: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation. Yeah, I’d say that’s not what I usually feel. Although I know that I have felt that on occasion, but I sure don’t live there.

Power and Glory are self-explanatory. God is all-powerful and deserving of all glory. I must admit that sometimes it is easy to believe that I have the power therefore the glory. But soon I’m reminded of the truth and recognize how little power I have, how little control I have over anything and I definitely don’t deserve any glory. When this happens, I begin to feel the peace and joy of God’s kingdom. This gives me the strength to live righteously. As I have been saying for some time now, it really is so simple. Amen!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It’s So Simple
Deliver Us
Part Ten

But deliver us from the evil one… That’s right, the evil one! Most people know this part of the prayer as “deliver us from evil” but the bible actually says “the evil one”. Uh oh, does this mean that there is an evil one? As in someone trying to hurt me? Yep, that’s what it says. It’s so much easier to think of a nebulous enemy. Some evil force of nature or bad luck something that just happens because I may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But when I read deliver us from the evil one I realize that there is in fact an evil enemy who has a job description as told by Jesus in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” That’s not good.

The really difficult part is that the devil doesn’t look like the devil. It would be so much easier if he wore a red suit with horns and carried a pitchfork. Then I could see him coming and avoid all of the unnecessary trouble. Instead, oft times he comes as a slick, smooth operator who lulls one into a sense of security and then slaps ‘em up side the head. This too is not good.

As I have stated in a previous blog (It’s So Simple, Temptation part nine), God doesn’t allow me to be tempted more than I can handle and that is very good news. Earlier I quoted Jesus as saying in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” but that’s only the first half of the verse. This is how Jesus completes the sentence. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

So let me see if I have this right. A-Satan wants to steal, kill or destroy me and B-Jesus came so I can have life and have it to the full. I choose B! As I have been saying for a while now, it’s so simple!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It’s So Simple
Part Nine

And lead us not into temptation. Isn’t it frightening how many temptations are out there, lurking in every nook and granny, just waiting for me to stumble and fall? I can’t turn on the TV for five minutes without being tempted with something. Food, drugs, and stuff I don’t need and would never even consider if someone wasn’t telling me how much I needed it.

As a society we are being programmed to want bigger, better, more, period! What’s the old saying, “if it feels good, do it!”? Well, maybe not. Maybe I should put a waiting period on temptations, say 24 hours. But if I don’t get (fill in the blank) right now, it’ll be gone and I’ll never have that recipe again. Oh no! (Does that sound remarkably like Macarthur Park to anyone else? Sorry ADD moment) But the truth is if I’m supposed to have it or do it, I will.

The good news is that God has given me promises and this is one of them. My biggest danger is to become too confident in my ability to ward off temptation instead of relying on His ability. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 “12So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! 13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Now how cool is that I say! God knows my weaknesses and will not allow me to be tempted more than I can handle. I just need to agree with God that His way is better than mine and all is well. As always, it’s so simple!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It’s So Simple
Part Eight

Ah, forgiveness! Isn’t that a wonderful feeling to be forgiven? A second look allows me to see the entire phrase. “Forgive us our debts (ahhh)… as we forgive our debtors. What!?! As we forgive our debtors? Houston we have a problem. As we forgive our debtors… oh no, I see a potential predicament. Another way to say this is forgive me the same way I forgive others. Ouch! That will bring ones forgiveness buzz to a screeching halt. Now I have to determine how I forgive others. Do I? And if I do, do I do it with grace or do I do it begrudgingly? Is the forgiveness from my head or my heart? So many thoughts so little brain power.

Ok, let’s see what scripture has to say about this. At the end of the Lord’s Prayer Jesus says in Matt 6:14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Hmmm, seems pretty clear doesn’t it?

To make the point even stronger in Matt 18:23-32 Jesus tells the parable of the worker who owed his king money. The king said pay and the man begged for his dept to be forgiven and the king forgave him. The man then went out and saw a man that owed him far less than he had just been forgiven. But instead of forgiving, he threw the other man in jail! Nice… however, the other workers had seen all of this and they went and told the king what the ingrate had done. The king was not happy and when he got a hold of the man, well… let’s just say it didn’t go well for the ingrate. Then Matt 18:35 says "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

“From your heart”, double ouch! I guess I need to spend some time in my prayer closet and do some heart cleaning… it’s bad enough that I have to clean my house but now I have to clean my heart? If I stop and think about it, even if I don’t like cleaning my house, once it’s done I feel so good. I bet it’s the same with my heart. And of course, it’s so simple!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It’s So Simple
Our Daily Bread
Part Seven

“Give us today our daily bread.” We live in a society that is so spoiled that thinking of our daily bread seems ridicules. Who doesn’t have “our daily bread” and then some? America has always been a prosperous country. Even our poor aren’t really poor. If you have a car, you’re not poor. If you have a cell phone, you’re not poor. If you wear Nike Air sneakers or have a big screen TV… you… are… not… poor! We may not have everything we want but most of us have more than we need.

But the reality is, we are only promised “our daily bread”. Jesus said in Matt 6:25-34 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”.

I realize that this is a long passage but I believe it’s important to explain “our daily bread”. If we are walking in faith and we look at Christ for our provision, it will be there; it’s God’s promise to us.

As a country we are in difficult times, but I have at least little faith, and God has promised me my daily bread. So I shall take one day at a time. It’s really so simple!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Thy Will
Part Six

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Now that’s a mouth full. Thy will. God’s will, on earth? As it is in heaven? Sometimes the thought of doing God’s will seems overwhelming. For one thing, I kind of like my will. I’m guessing I’m not alone with that thought. Not that others like my will but each one their own.

It’s very easy for me to think of God’s will in heaven. After all isn’t that what heaven is all about. Just sitting around praising God and doing His will. But when it comes to earth, sometimes heaven seems very far away. Being a Christian isn’t easy. We don’t really sit around all day singing Kum-ba-yah. We work, we play, we raise families, we go to church and sometimes we go to bars. Yes I said bars. In other words we have all the same challenges as non-Christians. But the good news is we have a not-so-secret weapon, His name is Jesus.

I’ve heard many people over the years complain that being a Christian is too hard because of all the rules and regulations. But the reality is, it’s through Christ that we gain our true freedom. And yes, doing His will on earth. But I do His will out of love not fear. That’s not to say I don’t make mistakes or even disobey, but for the most part, I try. I’ve explained it to people as a sports analogy. Have you ever had a coach or teacher or mentor that made you a better you? Remember the feeling of wanting to please that person because they believed in you? The only motivation was to please. That’s how I feel about pleasing God. I want to honor Him because He loved me first. I want to do His will because He calls me to be His hands and feet. And as long as I have His breath in my lungs I will continue. But it’s not because I have to it’s because I want to. That’s just how simple it is.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part Five

Your Kingdom come: Humm, am I to believe that the Kingdom of God will come to earth? Well let’s take a look. If I believe the Bible, which I do, then I am told that once I become a born again Christian that Christ is living in me, which He is.

What does His kingdom look like? Don’t I wish I knew? But there are times when I feel as if I have just a glimpse. I’ve had moments where I’ve felt or given unconditional love. Holding a sleeping baby, watching a loved one being completely happy, giving freely without any expectation and feeling as if my heart would explode with joy. That’s a glimpse.

I contemplate how many occasions have I wasted as I focused on the three most important people in my life, me, myself and I? Instead of the three most important things, righteousness, peace and joy. Far too many I fear. The Bible says in Romans 14:17-18 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.”

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy? That seems doable. Pleasing to God? Isn’t that the goal, to be pleasing to God? So if I serve Christ in this way I am pleasing to God. Cool! Once again I am reminded that it is I who complicate things. When I serve Christ and keep focused on Him, I am pleasing to God. It really is so simple!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part Four

Hallowed be Your name. Hallowed, sounds like the kind of word one should drag out. Haalllloooowwweeedddd. Does anyone even know what hallowed means? I looked it up, it means, sacred, holy, blessed, sanctified, deified and consecrated. Ok then, now I know. I glean from this that I am to bring honor to the name of my Father in heaven. Do I?

I have at least reached the point in my Christian walk where I do not take the Lord’s name in vain. I also cringe when I hear someone else do so. Does this bring honor to his name? I think it’s a start.

When I think of all the wonderful things my Father in heaven has done for me I am humbled. By contrast I sometimes think I use him as the emergency room. I have a problem, or a need and so I go to him looking for help. I’m trying hard to remember to just say thank you. Thank you Father just because you are worthy. To honor him in all I do. To be, as they say, a living sacrifice. I’ll be honest; some days are better than others.

It is very easy to become so self focused that it takes all the energy I have just to get out of bed. Then I start to whine about everything. Of course I call it prayer, but it’s really just whining with reverence. But guess what? If I persevere the whining really does become prayer. I start to think of others and their needs. I am no longer the focus. Instead I focus on others and then on God.

Now that I have stopped whining and started praying I am giving honor to my Father. It is during this time that I believe God hears ‘Hallowed be your name’. Again I am reminded that when I start looking at God and stop looking at me, I see the truth. And isn’t it so simple!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

We interrupt this blog… to… well, blog!
August 22, 2009

Way back in the month of May I was on a roll. I was blogging a series about the Lord’s Prayer. I thought I was so cleaver. But then as usual, while I was busy blogging, life got in the way. We all know how it happens; I had to work the weekend so I didn’t have time. Before I knew it, it was August. I’m pretty sure that yesterday was May something but my calendar insists it’s August 22, 2009. Either I had a really long nap or once again I allowed my life to run me: instead of me running my life.

So here I am getting back on track for the trillionth time. Before I would have said millionth but since trillion is the new million! Sorry I digress. Where was I? Oh yes getting my life back on track.

Perhaps one of my problems is my attention span? You think! It’s not that I can’t pay attention it’s just that I get bored quickly. There’s always something new to try. But I realize that the only way to stay on track is to be a plugger. And if there is one thing I know how to do it’s be a plugger.

I say all of this to explain my absence from the blog world. Like most people I have good intentions but we know what the road to hell is paved with!!! If I followed all of my good intentions I’d be rich enough to pay someone to blog for me. All who know me realize that one can’t pay another to have a brain this fragmented. So on I march to a renewed commitment to be a part of the blogging community. Need I say more? I think not!

Friday, May 15, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Our Father
Part Three

Why is keeping it simple so hard? Shouldn’t it be easy? But in a world that cry’s out for bigger, better, more my mind tells me that simple is too easy. I then begin to over analyze the situation and before I’m finished I have taken something simple and made it complicated. But as I read the Lord’s Prayer I’m reminded how beautiful simple can be.

'Our Father in heaven’: I have a father in heaven. According to Larry Kreider in the book “Building Your Personal House of Prayer” the first room entered is the Family Room. I will address my father in the family room. This is a wonderful picture for me. When I think of a family room I think of something comfortable and safe. The problem I have is the word ‘Father’. It’s so formal.

I have been blessed to have a remarkable earthly father. He is a man who always took care of me, provided for my needs and loves me unconditionally. However, when I was growing up he was stern, strict and somewhat dictatorial. He is a man of very few words. In spite of this the words he uses can make me laugh until I cry or cut me like a knife. This being said when I think of ‘Our Father in Heaven’; I tend to think of an austere taskmaster. Someone I fear as much as I love. This sometimes makes it hard for me to approach my heavenly Father without fear and trepidation.

Many years ago when I was only twenty-five I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. When I awoke from surgery the first person I saw walk into my room was my father. The look of love mixed with the pain on his face brought even more tears, still all I could think of was “Daddy make it better”. At that moment in time, I didn’t want a Father I wanted my Daddy. And my Daddy was there with open arms and a strong shoulder for me to cry on.

I’ve started to think of my Father in heaven as my Daddy. I can almost see the smile on his face when I come to him as a little girl seeking his love and giving him mine. I can’t think of anything I’d rather be than Daddy’s little girl. It’s so simple.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part Two Prayer

As I continue my journey to simplify I start to think about prayer. Can prayer be as simple as being loved by God? I’m beginning to believe that it can. When the disciples walked with Jesus they saw incredible things. They saw Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. The disciples also saw him pray. After awhile they were healing the sick and casting out demons. Finally they came to Jesus and asked if he would teach them to pray. Now I’m no scholar but wouldn’t one think the disciples should have already known how to pray? Jesus taught them this simple prayer in Matthew 6:9:

"This, then, is how you should pray: "

'Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one (NIV)

(Some versions add the following)

For Yours is the kingdom and
The power and the glory forever. Amen. (NKJV)

I am reading the book “Building Your Personal House of Prayer” by Larry Kreider. Mr. Kreider builds an imaginary house using each line of this prayer as a room. I began to think about the simple beauty of this prayer and I started to consider my feelings about each line. I’m reminded how often I overcomplicate things. This prayer offers honesty, humility and most of all simplicity. Once again I realize my life will simplify if I focus on God and His ways. It’s so simple!

Friday, May 1, 2009

It’s So Simple…
Part One
April 22, 2009

It’s so simple why do we make it so hard? I’m talking about being a Christian. God in His infinite wisdom makes it so easy, yet as humans we try to improve on His plan and complicate it. According to the Bible in John 3:16(NIV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Wow that’s pretty simple. God loved the world. He gave the world His one and only son Jesus. Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Hmmm, sounds simple to me. But surely it can’t be that easy. Are you saying God that all I have to do is believe? That’s it? What about all the wonderful things I do for you? Don’t I get extra credit for that? In school I was taught if I did enough extra credit work I could raise my grade, doesn’t that work with you? There must be something I can do to earn your love and eternity, isn’t there?

Yet I read it again and it says God loved the world, sent His son, believe in Jesus and have eternal life. Since I’m part of the world that must mean that God loves me. I have lived and worked in a world that tells me I’m only as good as my next project. I need to perform. I need to prove my worth. I have to do better the next time and the time after that until I get it right which of course I never will but I must keep trying.

Excuse me God, are you telling me that you love me just because I’m me? Because I’m a living, breathing human being? That’s it? Then I am reminded of the words God spoke in Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;”

So that’s it. God loves me just because. Ahh that feels good… and yet it’s so simple.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Surprise… It’s bubble gum!

April 15, 2009

Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to be going great? You were in the zone; everything was going according to plan. From one project to the next meeting to the grocery store without a hitch, and you are feeling good. Today you are not Clark Kent you are Superman! No meeting is too long, no project too big, no grocery aisle too strong to make you buy one thing not on your list; you are King or Queen for the day.

Just when your confidence is at it’s peak, surprise… you just stepped in bubble gum! I tell you few things will kill a buzz faster than bubble gum on your shoe. I believe there is a universal reaction to stepping in bubble gum. First your motion is slowed because your foot is stuck to the ground. Then there is the look of pure repugnance, the hatred for not only the gum but also the person who left the gum. Followed by the social commentary on the quality of the offenders’ parents, specifically the mother that did not teach this inconsiderate person not to throw gum on the ground!

By now your pulse is racing and you are frantically looking for a curb or something that will allow you to scrape off the gum without actually having to touch it. Everyone knows that the number one gross-out item is touching someone else’s used bubble gum. Yuck times three! You’ve found an edge and are now scraping the shoe with such force that sparks are coming off the rubber. It’s starting to smell like a NASCAR race! Convinced that there is no longer gum on the bottom of your shoe you try to move on.

But you can't. Everyone also knows that the gum does not come off with the first scraping, so you repeat the NASCAR step and continue to repeat until most of the offensive substance is removed.

You started the day as Superman and now you’ve gone right past Clark Kent and straight to Pigpen. You’re breathing heavy from all the anger and scraping, you’re disheveled and you have probably ruined a good pair of shoes. You’re exhausted you’re confidence level is lower than the curb you’ve just been scraping and you make a decision to go back into the grocery store and march directly to the ice cream aisle. For if ever a day deserved ice cream, it is today!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lucy & Ethel

The greatest comedic duo in TV history has to be Lucy Ricardo and Ethel Mertz. What a dynamic pair. How is it even possible to laugh so hard at other people’s mishaps? Everyone has his or her favorite episode and for me it’s a toss up between the job at the candy factory and selling the Vitameatavegamin. Both are classics and even after watching them again, I still can’t decide between the two.

It’s so much fun to enjoy the old clips of the escapades but even more fun to reenact them. I am fortunate enough to have friends in my life that when we get together it is hard to tell us apart from Lucy and Ethel. I’ve just had the great joy of returning from a trip with one such friend. This friend is beautiful, smart, funny and a great travel mate. The longer we were away the more we became Lucy and Ethel. The funniest part however, is that we took turns being Lucy. In one instance I was the bubblehead and she the straight woman trying to clean up after me, and in the very next moment, we reversed roles.

One afternoon after working and studying very hard we had a break and went back to our room to rest. We weren’t in the room five minutes when one of us did something goofy (I don’t even remember who or what it was) and the next thing we know we are laughing hysterically. You know the kind of laughter that you cannot stop, nor can you explain it to another and get them to laugh. But at that moment you feel certain that nothing will ever be this funny again. The tears were flowing the pain in the cheeks and jaw line was real and the beautiful release of joy filled the room with a peace that cannot be explained. It can never be recreated, it is not funny to explain to someone else and thinking about it later it doesn’t seem that funny at all. But for that one brief second of time, it was pure joy. I felt like a kid again without a care in the world. What a glorious moment.

So to all the Lucy’s and Ethel’s out there embrace your friendship and cherish the special moments; and to my own little Spucy, this is for you. Thanks for being my friend and for lengthening my life with laughter and joy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

E.F. Hutton vs. God

March 17, 2009

I remember several years ago there was a commercial for the investment/stock broker company E.F. Hutton and the tag line was “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.” It talked about all the wonderful things E.F. Hutton could do for the investors of the world and we would do well to listen to him. Yeah right! My thought is if it has to do with investments the only people who care about mine, are the same three as always, me, myself and I.

As I thought about this I thought about God. Instead of insisting that we listen to Him he gives us a choice. So if I was creating an ad for God it would be more like this, “When we listen, God speaks.” How many days have I gotten to the end and thought, “where has this day gone?” I ran all day or was so busy or maybe just killing the day on TV or some other mind numbing nonsense. Then I wonder if I have even thought about God today.

So the question is was God not talking or was I not listening? I don’t need to ponder this for long. I wasn’t listening. I was so busy doing my thing, many times in His name (so I think) and yet I haven’t even taken a moment to see if it is what He would want for me. God does still speak to me I just have a listening problem. I hear fine I just don’t listen. God uses the Holy Spirit to talk to us and for a visual person like me I picture Him like Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio just sitting on my shoulder. The problem is I’m moving so fast to get from point A to point B that I forget to slow down and just listen. Instead I tend to swat Him away like a mosquito. The Scriptures refer to the ‘still small voice’ that we hear. The only problem is I can’t hear it if there is too much noise constantly assaulting my senses. It’s like trying to have a conversation in a bar with a band and a lot of really happy or (pause) never mind let’s just say happy people. It just can’t be done.

As a society we are on sensory overload. We can’t do anything that takes longer than a microwave and then we are still trying to do 3 or 4 other things as well. The TV is on; we have an Ipod, or any number of other distractions. The Scriptures also say; 'be still and know that I am God'. Be still! I’m sorry was that really be still? Hummm be still. Does that mean stop what I’m doing? “But God I’m doing all this for you, really, all for you.” And as I pause for just the briefest moment I hear “For me, are you sure?” Whoa, who said that? I’m alone in the house there is no one else here. Then I hear “You’re never alone.” Soft, quiet, subtle, barely audible.

So that’s what God sounds like, the little voice in my head. I was expecting Charlton Heston or at least Darth Vader. Once again I repent for my self-centeredness and promise to spend more time listening and less time talking and doing. Now at this point if I were God I would be saying “yeah right, I’ll believe that when I see it.” But fortunately for all of mankind I am not God. He delights himself in us and when we do get it right or even sort of right, He has great joy. He is our proud Papa cheering us on, willing us to do better. So Papa, I’m listening, I’m being still and waiting on you. When you are ready, let’s just talk, shall we?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Got Tea?
March 9, 2009

More and more American’s are becoming disillusioned with our economic situation and are starting to form Tea Parties. Many PoPu’s are talking about our Founding Fathers and the things that birthed this nation and I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Why did we revolt against England, what was the Boston Tea Party really about? It was about taxation without representation. Men and women were willing to sacrifice, in this case tea, to say enough is enough. Are we, as a nation, getting ready to say ‘enough is enough’? What do we believe in and to whom is our pledge?

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

To the Republic… hmmm. Recently I received a link to a video that explained the difference between a Republic and a Democracy. I’ve always known that the United States is a Republic but I had forgotten just what that meant. It was probably do to the cute guy in my History class when I was in school. I’m a visual learner and not an audible learner and looking at a cute guy was more to my learning curve than listening to the teacher. So as you can see I am completely blameless in this situation, however, I digress.

As a Republic we are to have political leaders who over-see the laws of our constitution, a constitution that was written and molded by men who were much smarter than I; men who looked to God for guidance, who understood that this was to be ‘one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all’. Now before anyone freaks out and tells me that the Pledge of Allegiance wasn’t written until 1892 by Francis Bellamy, I know and that the ‘under God’ wasn’t added until 1954, I know that too, but I believe if the signers of the Declaration and the Framers of the Constitution had the thought they would have written it this way also. They had the same sentiments.

In a speech to the Constitutional Convention on June 28, 1787 Benjiman Franklin said this: “I've lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the Affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the House they labor in vain who build it. I firmly believe this, — and I also believe that without his concurring Aid, we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our Projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a Reproach and Bye word down to future Ages.” It is my understanding Franklin suggested they pray (or have someone pray) before they voted.

As I look at what is happening today in Congress, I wonder if any of the men and women is looking to God for guidance? And if they are, are they really listening?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Save, Save, I Want To Save You Money!
February 22, 2009

While I was watching TV the other day someone was trying to sell me the latest widget and I don’t know if I was tired or crazy but I really considered buying it. But the best, of course, is the “but wait there’s more” aspect of the pitch. First of all everything on late night TV cost $19.95. And every offer will double before the pitchman is done.

It has become a joke in my home sweet home. No matter what is being sold we pause so we can yell “but wait there’s more”. It reminds me of the awful car insurance commercials from the 1980’s. The salesman used to yell into the camera “Save, save, I want to save you Money!”

So this is my thought, how much extra do we spend because we think we are saving money? If the deal is so good, maybe we should buy two because it’s on sale. Even if we didn’t need the first one, we buy two because it’s on sale. The other day I was ordering books from Amazon and I was informed that if I spent just $3 more I would be eligible for free shipping. So guess what, I found something else to buy so I could get free shipping. I saved $5.86 on shipping, but spent an extra $11. 42 just so I could get free shipping, so did I get a good deal or not?

Take the Super Size… what a bargain. If I go to the Hungry Heifer or the Gas & Guts (I’m sure you’ve seen the slogan, fill your tank and your belly for under $20) and you can, but, when you go to get coffee, soda or slurpy burpy they slowly start to pull you in. For only $1.49 you can get a small. But wait there’s more. For only 20 cents more you can get a large. But wait there’s more, for another 20 cents you can get Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy. Can you believe it! An Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy for just $1.89? The small cup was eight ounces and there is not much refreshment there, but the Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy is now somewhere around a gallon and a half and enough calories to feed a small country. Just carrying it out of the store is almost more than one person can carry. Not to mention all the other people standing in ling waiting to pay for their own Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy. So now you have all these people leaving Gas and Guts and they are about to experience a sugar overload, and in the very near future they will have to tinkle like there is no tomorrow and they are all getting ready to drive a car. But look at how much money was saved by buying bigger, better and more. I don’t think my wallet or my waistline can afford to continue saving this much money. Lord please stop me before I save again!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I’m Proud To Be
An American
February 22, 2009

I just heard Lee Greenwood sing the song “I’m Proud To Be An American” and you know what? I am. Earlier today I was at a local concert and the orchestra started the concert by playing the “National Anthem” and I was so proud to see and hear everyone in the audience standing and singing. Now to be honest, the average age of the audience was probably 75. I’m not so sure what would happen if the average age had been 25 or even 35.

Have we lost that in America? The pride. Have we become so politically correct that we can’t even agree to be “proud to be an American”? I remember hearing stories from my parents about the American pride during WWII. Even as a child in the 1950’s I can remember July 4th parades and even parades on Memorial Day. Neighborhood yards filled with little flags. Putting wreaths and flags at the gravesites. Shop windows decorated with flags and red, white and blue streamers. Communities and people and families celebrated with pride. Have we lost that? I hope not.

I don’t have to go even that far back to remember 9/11. The worst day in American history and on that day everyone was an American. There was no hyphen Americans, just Americans. I grew up in an industrial area and like all other industrial areas of this country there was many immigrants. They didn’t want to be anything but an American. I believe that’s what we all felt on 9/11. Titles are so divisive. I’m not suggestion anyone discard his or her heritage. It’s just that when a hyphen comes before American, a line has been drawn. The only line drawn on 9/11 was Americans against terrorists. So to quote from a toast that goes back to our Founding Fathers, “Then join in hand, brave Americans all—By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!” I’ll drink to that!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentines Day 2009
February 14, 2009

I started writing this on Valentine’s Day and then I stopped. I needed some time to get my thoughts together.

First about the blog, so here I am one year after I started to blog and it’s Valentines Day again. Wow how things have changed. When I started Barack Obama was a long shot, Hillary was the front-runner and very few people had heard of Sarah Palin. The housing market was slowing down and the banks and the market seemed strong. What a difference a year makes.

Now back to Valentines Day. How do I love thee let me count the commercials that are trying to convince me that this is a real holiday. Am I the only one or has anyone else noticed the awful commercials that have been running this year. Some of them look like an ad for a soft porn movie. I don’t want a pajama gram, nor do I want a bear in a box. I’m perfectly content with a nice card and I love you. But what I really want is some of this good will the other 364 days of the year.

I think the card and We-B-Junk makers try to make us believe that as long as we do something on this one-day, all is well. Yeah all is well for their pockets. The sad part is many of their customers believe this too. I would rather have a hug, a touch, a gentle word or just general tenderness every few days and skip the holiday all together. Or maybe a card just because it’s Tuesday or how about a little note left next to the coffee pot. The commercials are so intense it almost makes one feel like a loser if a gazillion dollars isn’t spent on We-B-Junk. And may I repeat, most of it is junk. I’m a 50-50 I don’t need anymore-stuffed animals that sing, dance or that do nothing at all. I’m already a little more than svelte so I don’t need candy even if it is shaped like a heart.

I like the old saying “the best things in life are free” or nearly free. A compliment, a smile, a hug or better yet maybe not pushing my buttons when you know you can. Hmmm wouldn’t that be a unique concept. Since I’m a 50-50, I’ve been around for a while. I’m not sure if that makes me wise or cynical. I just don’t like feeling manipulated by the media on anything. Just the facts please and I’ll draw my on conclusions. For those of you who think Valentines Day is the greatest, most romantic thing, I hope yours was everything you dreamed it would be, as for me, mine was great. No one pushed my buttons!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Peter Pan
February 16, 2009

I have had one of those days. You know the kind. So as a result I have decided to resign from adulthood. I just really don’t want to do it anymore. I’m going to adopt Peter Pan’s philosophy and just not grow up. Do you remember how great life was when you were a kid? At least that’s how I’ve chosen to remember it and it was great. I’m tired of being responsible. I’m tired of always doing what I‘m supposed to do. Maybe I just want to go outside for recess and play. I could really use a good swing set or better yet a nice tire swing. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Spending the day hanging onto a tire swing. Ah sweet peace.

I know it’s just a fantasy but wouldn’t it be nice if we could step into a new existence just for a little while. Be someone else perhaps a Fairy Princess or a Frontier Woman or maybe even a Superhero. Just to be able to let down your guard because no one knows you. I am now Princess Frontier: Superhero to the old west. So what do I, Princess Frontier, want to do today? I’d like to ride a horse. Fast, really, really fast, with my hair flying in the wind, absolutely no fear as I race across the plains. My heart pounding so fast it wants to jump from my chest. The excitement, the exhilaration from the adrenaline, I am free! And while I’m at it I may as well save the cattle from the stampede. And help the good guys beat the bad guys. And then help build the settlement, and, and, and, STOP! This sounds a lot like my real life!

Maybe I’ll be like Huck Finn and get others to do all the work while I go fishing. Yeah that sounds way better. So someone else is saving the cattle, and someone else is helping the good guys, and someone else is building the settlement and I’m just fishing by a peaceful stream. I can feel the warm sun on my face. My skin is being softly touched by a gentle breeze. Life is good as Princess Frontier: Superhero to the old west. What’s that I feel, it’s a tugging on my line. It’s a fish! How exciting for me, a fish. What a wonderful fantasy. But then I'm brought back, what time is it? Drat, it’s time for me, Princess Frontier: Superhero to the old west, to fix dinner. I wonder if I have any fish in the fridge? Well at least it was fun while it lasted.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ecstasy to Agony
February 13, 2009

Like so many others I rejoiced and celebrated the “Miracle on the Hudson”. US Airways Flight 1549’s safe landing on the Hudson River: The Ecstasy. Today I mourn The Agony: Continental Airlines Flight 3407. Two stories two very different outcomes. Both stories involved doing ordinary things on ordinary days and yet, in both cases, the extraordinary happened: Ecstasy to Agony.

Isn’t that what life is made of, just a series of one or the other? Don’t get me wrong I’m not so manic that I believe it’s only one or the other, but I do believe that it is degrees of both. Good verses evil, just or unjust, righteous or unrighteous, victory or defeat, but what is so confusing to me, it may depend on the set of eyes looking at the situation that decides which is which, although in cases such as the airlines, the decision is easy. But I dare say few are this easy.

I am a Bible believing Christian and I have been promised, in scripture, that I will have trials and tribulations. Yeah God! Today my heart breaks for the families and loved ones of Flight 3407. I’m sure as they went about their day they never dreamed this would happen, but it did. Now many are facing the greatest trials and tribulations of their lives and I weep with them. But according to the Gospel (which means Good News) I am also promised “the peace that passes all understanding”. My prayer is that as they look for the peace, they find the one through whom it passes.

As I was typing this I started my iTunes and just let it play randomly. The song playing under this was Amazing Grace, perhaps one of the best songs ever written. The second verse says, “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved, how precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed.” May His grace bring you peace. Amen.

A Trillion!?!
February 10, 2009

Holy Moly how much is a trillion dollars? I’m pretty sure it’s more than I make in a year. Probably more than I’ll make in a lifetime… You think? I find it amazing that the politicians throw this number around as if it is something we’re all familiar with. I heard someone explain that if I spent a million dollars a day and I started when Jesus was alive, I would be 78% of the way through a trillion dollars. Wow. So it would take over 2000 years for one person to spend a million dollars a day but it only takes government a day to spend a trillion dollars? I repeat, WOW.

Now if I understand this correctly there are only 300 million people in the United States. What if the government were to give every citizen; man, woman and child, a million dollars? Do you think that would stimulate the economy? Do you think that would help the housing market? Not to mention 300,000,000 dollars is 999,700,000,000 dollars less than a trillion dollars. Once again I say WOW. Ok I understand that the math is wrong and it doesn't work. But I don't think that this is going to work any better than my math!

I’m hoping that people who should be way smarter than me know what they are doing. Once this is a done deal, it’s a done deal! I most admit that when I see some of the citizens on TV talking about the stimulus the only thing I hear them talk about is: who is going to help me, who will give the money to me, who’s going to pay my bills, things of that nature. I find this mentality very unusual because I was brought up to answer those questions with one word: ME! If I want to eat, I need to work, if I want to buy something, I need to save the money, etc. for too long people have been taught to stand with their hand out and let someone else do the heavy lifting. We’ve become a society of entitlement believers instead of a work and reward system. If this continues eventually there will be no one left to do the work. What happens then? Seems to me that will be the end of life, as we know it. Am I the only one who thinks about this kind of stuff?

I remember a few times in history where this attitude was strong, Can you say Sodom and Gomorra? Or what about Rome? Let’s ask Nero to play his fiddle shall we? Wake up people! If you stand around with your hand out you may not like what comes along and fills it up.

When I think back to when Jesus walked on earth I’m reminded of a time that found people spending and using money for self-indulgence. It was called the Temple and they were called moneychangers. That didn’t work out too well for them either. But what I find the most interesting part of this story is that most people view this as Jesus having a temper tantrum and cleaning house. That’s not what happened, if you read the account from the gospel of John it reads: John 2:13-16 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the moneychangers and overturned their tables. (NIV) That’s right “he made a whip out of cords”. Now I’ve never done this personally but I can imagine it takes a while to make. So he probably had time to think about it as he was working. I'm not saying people don't need help or that all people are looking for a handout but what I am saying is be careful it’s almost time for Passover and I don’t want to be caught with my hand in the cookie jar! But hey, that’s just me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It’s Groundhog Day!
February 5, 2009

Yes boys and girls it’s that time of year again. I know it's February 2nd but I had to wait for the outcome to post this. Doesn’t it seem like we just saw our old buddy Punxsutawney Phil looking for his shadow? And yet, here he is again. And guess what, he saw his shadow and it looks like 6 more weeks of winter. Who knew a groundhog was such a prognosticator? Do you suppose there are other animals out there that can predict the future? I believe that animals have a reactionary defense mechanism that allows them to protect themselves from danger, but to be able to tell us how much longer winter is, well that’s pretty impressive. Especially when the poor little guy is in a box and someone drags him out and decides whether the sun is shinning or not. And by-the-way Phil really didn’t want to come out because he bit Mayor Bloomberg in the process. That should have been enough of a clue that winter is dragging on.

Now having said all of that, I really do enjoy the whole ceremonial event of Groundhog Day. I think it’s fun and if I had the opportunity I would go to the festivities. And of course, one of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day. I like it on so many different levels. But perhaps the main reason is I believe it to be an allegory for life.

When this movie first came out I was working in the world of Blue Suits. (Corporate American for those who never had that wonderful experience.) They will forever be known as “BS”. Isn’t it amazing how some things just name themselves? But I digress. Since I worked in the “Creative Department” we were all considered outsiders by the real BS’s. One of my friends had an office across from mine and I’d walk by and ask how she was and she’d simply reply, “It’s Groundhog Day.” And we all knew what she meant; different day, same BS. I always think of her this time of year.

I can’t even guess how many times I’ve seen this movie over the years and every time I watch it I learn something. The lead character Phil (yes like the Groundhog) starts out as an egocentric womanizer. After he is stuck in Groundhog Day he transforms from egocentric to angry to suicidal to enlightenment. Once Phil realizes that he may be stuck there forever he embraces the situation and learns that only his attitude can change. Isn’t that just like life!

How many times do we wake up day after day and do the same thing because it’s what we know or it’s what makes us comfortable? Even if it makes us miserable, it’s Groundhog Day. What I have started doing in these situations is to ask myself, ok, what am I doing wrong and what am I supposed to learn from this situation? Obviously God is trying to teach me something. The really cool thing about God; I never fail a test I just keep taking it until I pass. So I guess how long I live in Groundhog Day depends on how long it takes me to change my attitude. Usually it involves something like, I am wrong God and you are right. So if you feel you’ve been living in Groundhog Day, hmmm or maybe it’s all just BS! Either way there are only 362 days to figure it out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What a Super… Bowl!

February 2, 2009

I grew up in the Steel Valley. You should know one thing about the Valley: the blood of the people runs black and gold. Football in the Valley is more of a religion than a sport; from PeeWee to High School and College but most importantly to the Steelers. Some of the fans are really crazy and the rest are totally insane. I have one family member who has a Steelers room in his house and his truck has Steelers upholstery. So to say that we are Steelers fans is somewhat of an understatement. In my family it’s not as much an option as a family creed. It would be unthinkable to cheer for anyone else. So on Sunday the family gathered together for the game.

The funny thing is I’m not much of a football fan. I tend to get turned off by the rivalry and nasty talk that floats among the fans. It’s just another area where we as a nation can no longer agree to disagree. There was a time when fans from opposite sides could watch the games together but it’s gotten to the point where saying I disagree with you is the same as saying “I hate you, you’re stupid”. For some reason the world has come to the place where if we disagree, someone has to be right and therefore, someone else has to be wrong. It is no longer possible to perhaps have two opinions on one subject. Friendly rivalry is dead and I’m right and you’re wrong is the only answer. I find this very sad.

I really enjoy having a spirited debate with another intelligent adult, or at least I used to. But today if I express my opinion and it differs from those around me, then I’m being argumentative. I really don’t mean to be, and in most cases I’m not even trying to change someone else’s mind. I may be trying to get them to recognize there can be two answers to a question or two opinions on the same subject. So few things in life is either right or wrong or black or white.

What I do know is Sunday’s Super Bowl was one of the best football games I have ever seen, and I think most people would agree. On the other hand I’m sure some PoPu or Martian will disagree with me. Maybe someone who likes birds, especially Cardinals. It says in Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” I wonder how much of our edge we are losing by not sharpening one another? I’ve never considered myself to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, maybe now I know why. But I do know that our Steel Blade was sharp enough to cut through Sunday’s bird…mm good.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Personal Space?
January 28, 2009

Twice within the last week I have heard the phrase “my personal space”. The funny thing is the first time was by a beautiful almost 4 year old. I was visiting a friend and the two sisters age 6 and 4 were getting ready for bed. An altercation occurred and the 6 year old was crying. When asked what happened, she replied that the 4 year old had scratched her. When the 4 year old was asked why she scratched her sister she replied, “I needed my personal space.” Well I thought that was the best answer I had heard in a while but I tried to stay out of the situation and not laugh out loud!

A few days later I was watching TV and heard a man tell another man he was in his personal space. Since then I’ve been thinking about it and I’ve decided that personal space is so, well, personal. Who knew? Not only that but it means different things to different people, thus making it personal. Duh!

Sometimes when we declare the loudest “get out of my personal space” the truth is we really want the invader to come even closer. We have become a society of isolationist. We communicate via electronics; we spend more time separated than together and moving apart instead of closer. How sad. So the next time someone says to you “get out of my personal space” maybe what they really want is a hug. But you better make sure you’re reading the situation correctly or you may find your personal space invaded by a flying fist. And that I imagine would be very personal indeed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Curly Hair Madness

January 24, 2009

Have you ever noticed that women with curly hair want straight hair and women with straight hair want curly hair? What’s up with that? I happen to be on the curly hair side. I’ve been enjoying the cooler weather recently because the humidity is low. If you can imagine, I use a curling iron to straighten my hair! Now there is something just wrong about that. But as with many things in our culture, this is just one more thing that is backwards. Everyone has heard the comedians saying, “You drive on a Parkway and park on a driveway”. Well I straighten my hair with a curling iron. For me it’s pretty easy, I do the same thing everyday. The difference now is that with the humidity low, my hair stays straight. Well it’s really more straight-ish.

The strange thing about my hair is that the curl is different on different parts of my head. The bangs and sides are not as curly, but the back is very curly. Because of this as a child my mother insisted that it ALL be curly. That meant a Toni perm. Oh nooooo! I still shudder as I remember the box on the kitchen sink. As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to sit still for hours, as she placed tiny curler after tiny curler into my hair, the solution smelled awful. I’m sure there are many of you out there that just had a flashback. Remember that pungent smell that burned your eyes as well as your head? Unfortunately this was the good part. Once this was all done my mother than had to remove all those little curlers. This was never without incident. The curlers would always get tangled and before it was over there were tears. Mine of course. Then it really got ugly. I mean that sincerely, ugly! My hair, I looked like the poster child for Little Orphan Annie! Instead of white circle eyes, I had big blue circle eyes. (All pictures were in black and white in those days and my eyes just looked like holes.) The only good thing about this entire experience, all the other little girls in my class looked just like me. I think all of our mothers banded together and ordered a case of Toni perms.

We were all reassured that “in a few days” the curls would loosen and it would be pretty. Well “in a few days” turned into weeks and I was still waiting for the pretty. Then it happened, one day I got up and I looked normal and yes even pretty. I couldn’t wait to get to school and show the other girls that I really did have pretty hair. I held my head high and ran down the hall to the kitchen for breakfast. I was so pleased with my normal hair. As I was about to start what was surely to be a great day, I was stopped dead in my tracks. There on the kitchen counter sat a brand new Toni perm! And so, the cycle continues.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reflections on the Inauguration
January 23, 2009

As I watched President Barack Obama take the oath of office I was transported back to my childhood. I grew up on the northern end of the South. I lived in the West Virginia area. Now West Virginia is an enigma. I was taught that it is the Northern most Southern state, the Southern most Northern state, the Eastern most Western state and the Western most Eastern state. Basically we don’t know where we belong! It really depends on where you live in the state. I was in the northern panhandle. The area wasn’t really segregated but many nooks and grannies were.

When I was in elementary school there were only two black children in our school, a boy in my older brother’s class and his sister in mine. It didn’t seem odd to me at the time but I can’t imagine what it must have been like for them. I shall call them Billy and Bessie. Other than the color of their skin I didn’t notice that much difference between us, but our second grade teacher did. I’ll just call her Mrs. Nurse Ratchet or MNR for short. Now MNR and her husband both taught at our school and to give you some idea of the situation, they both had taught my dad and they were old then. So by the time I was there they were ancient, and cranky.

There was another little girl in my class that I’ll call Sally. She and Bessie became best friends. It was no secret that MNR did not like this. She would often punish both girls for holding hands on the playground. I don’t know just what she thought Bessie was supposed to do or whom she was to play with since she was the only black child in our class, but I guess MNR didn’t care as long as it wasn’t with a white child.

As I watched the Inauguration I couldn’t help but wonder where Bessie and Sally are today almost 50 years later. I do however think I know where MNR is and I just hope she isn’t too hot!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shaking My Shack

January 21, 2009

What a day this has been what a rare mood I’m in why it’s almost like being in love. That’s enough of the song but I’ve just had a wonderful experience. If you have not read “The Shack” I strongly recommend it. I believe it to be the best book I’ve ever read and tonight I had the opportunity to meet the author William Paul Young. What an interesting, gracious, honest fellow. It is hard to explain any of this if you have not read the book. But the book is a life changing experience.

This beautiful story is the tale of a father who loses a child and then meets God in the middle of the woods inside a dirty old shack. Young presents the Holy Trinity in such a way that makes them come alive with truth and honesty. He is truly a man after God’s heart… and God has blessed him richly.

I am reminded of what a fraud I am. My thin veneer is about to break open and expose my old, dirty rundown shack and I’m not sure I’m ready for it. Once God breaks us open there are only two ways to go, and that is to Him or away from Him. It should be so easy yet in my chains of self-control I find it hard to let go of what I call security, but I know real security has no chains.

On the one hand knowing that I can control nothing should be comforting because if I control nothing, then nothing is my fault or my glory. But the feeling of being out of control and letting God have it all at times seems to be my greatest fear. Why am I so afraid? I know that God has a better plan than I do. I also know that he loves me and only wants good things for me so why is it so hard? Because the reality is I want God to lead me to places that I want to go and to have me do things that I want to do and I don’t want to leave my comfort zone to do what He has planned.

There I’ve said it! I want to do things my way in my time and on my schedule and it is possible that my plans may conflict with God’s plans for me. So now I have a choice to make. I can either ignore God and continue to complain about things and live in my old dirty shack with a very thin veneer or I can follow God and rest in the knowledge that He has a better plan. That His shack is a beautiful cottage in the middle of a bucolic garden surrounded by love and peace and grace and truth. It may be hard but I choose love and truth, I choose God.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Busy Mind
January 20, 2009

Why is it that my mind is so empty during the day but when the middle of the night comes it is sooooooo busy? I spend the day trying to remember what I need to do, how I’m going to do it (if I remember what it was) and why I picked up my computer. Then the middle of the night comes and all of a sudden my mind kicks into high gear. I awaken to a flurry of activity exploding in my head and my eyes are wide-awake. I try to quiet the noise and yet it sounds like I’m in a stadium full of people and they’re all talking to me at once. One person is singing a song that I can’t remember the lyrics too, another is yelling about what I have to do in the morning and a few others are just having conversations that I can’t understand but they are very enthusiastic about something.

Finally I get out of bed and go to the living room. I pick up my computer and start to release all the wisdom that comes pouring out. I type as fast as my chubby little fingers will go and I know that what I am writing is of great value to the nations or at least to some very important world leaders. My fingers race across the keys and I feel a sense of power and wisdom that eludes me in the daylight hours. Surely this will be one of the finest pieces ever written and people will be discussing it in classrooms throughout the world for decades to come. My name will become synonymous with all the great writers, Shakespeare, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Betty Crocker… (Go ahead and laugh but who among us doesn’t own a Betty Crocker in our collection, huh!), and the list goes on and on.

Finally I feel a peace as all the pent up energy is spent with my incredible words of wisdom. Having just saved the world from itself and offered pearls of wisdom I am finally free to escape back to my bed to sleep perchance to dream. Ah sweet release. Then morning comes and I rush to re read my masterpiece. I’m so excited I don’t even wait for the coffee to finish. I throw open my computer ready to share the most incredible piece of literature since Homer and then I realize, something is amiss. Somewhere in the mist of my pontificating my hands shifted. What I see before my eyes looks like a cartoon discussion in a bar! Instead of wisdom I find something that looks like this rhneklshoi vsdk sd gjidsoj theohhsjskateyjam! How can this be, I was brilliant during the night. How sad for the world to have lost such an incredible piece of… of… now what was I going to say? I guess I’ll have to wait until tonight when all my friends return to my head and I once again, have an overflowing of creativity.

Indiana Jones and the Tale of the
Fork Tongued Critic!

May 25, 2008

So I just saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I don’t care what the critics say I had a good time. I’m always amazed when I’m reminded that Movie Critics and Political Pundits are really the same people. They try to be hipper and wiser than the PoPu’s but the reality is that they aren’t smart enough to remember that what they are critiquing is a movie; it’s not real. No matter how many times the skeletons come to life I was able to discern that they weren’t real. Since I know that they aren’t real why should the critic make a point of talking about how fake they are? Or how dull the storyline? Or blah, blah, blah?

I wanted to see a movie that was fun, exciting and a way to escape for a couple of hours not to mention total permission to eat junk food! Eating chips with cheese sauce and candy are one of the few things that are totally allowed at the movies with out any penalty. So watching any movie good, bad or mediocre is worth it just on this perk alone. I have at least gotten to the point that I don’t read the review until after I’ve seen the movie. It’s so much easier to disagree with them after I’ve done my own review.

As for my review, I loved it. Harrison Ford looks great and still has all of the spark he had in the previous movies. Karen Allen looks amazing and it was great to see her. Shia LaBeouf really has a bright future and he was just adorable. Cate Blanchett is as good as they get and I just love to watch her on screen I don’t care what she’s doing. I can’t imagine anyone who is a fan of the series not liking this installment. If they don’t then maybe they should become a critic and spend their days saying blah, blah, blah to all the PoPu’s.