Tuesday, March 17, 2009

E.F. Hutton vs. God

March 17, 2009

I remember several years ago there was a commercial for the investment/stock broker company E.F. Hutton and the tag line was “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.” It talked about all the wonderful things E.F. Hutton could do for the investors of the world and we would do well to listen to him. Yeah right! My thought is if it has to do with investments the only people who care about mine, are the same three as always, me, myself and I.

As I thought about this I thought about God. Instead of insisting that we listen to Him he gives us a choice. So if I was creating an ad for God it would be more like this, “When we listen, God speaks.” How many days have I gotten to the end and thought, “where has this day gone?” I ran all day or was so busy or maybe just killing the day on TV or some other mind numbing nonsense. Then I wonder if I have even thought about God today.

So the question is was God not talking or was I not listening? I don’t need to ponder this for long. I wasn’t listening. I was so busy doing my thing, many times in His name (so I think) and yet I haven’t even taken a moment to see if it is what He would want for me. God does still speak to me I just have a listening problem. I hear fine I just don’t listen. God uses the Holy Spirit to talk to us and for a visual person like me I picture Him like Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio just sitting on my shoulder. The problem is I’m moving so fast to get from point A to point B that I forget to slow down and just listen. Instead I tend to swat Him away like a mosquito. The Scriptures refer to the ‘still small voice’ that we hear. The only problem is I can’t hear it if there is too much noise constantly assaulting my senses. It’s like trying to have a conversation in a bar with a band and a lot of really happy or (pause) never mind let’s just say happy people. It just can’t be done.

As a society we are on sensory overload. We can’t do anything that takes longer than a microwave and then we are still trying to do 3 or 4 other things as well. The TV is on; we have an Ipod, or any number of other distractions. The Scriptures also say; 'be still and know that I am God'. Be still! I’m sorry was that really be still? Hummm be still. Does that mean stop what I’m doing? “But God I’m doing all this for you, really, all for you.” And as I pause for just the briefest moment I hear “For me, are you sure?” Whoa, who said that? I’m alone in the house there is no one else here. Then I hear “You’re never alone.” Soft, quiet, subtle, barely audible.

So that’s what God sounds like, the little voice in my head. I was expecting Charlton Heston or at least Darth Vader. Once again I repent for my self-centeredness and promise to spend more time listening and less time talking and doing. Now at this point if I were God I would be saying “yeah right, I’ll believe that when I see it.” But fortunately for all of mankind I am not God. He delights himself in us and when we do get it right or even sort of right, He has great joy. He is our proud Papa cheering us on, willing us to do better. So Papa, I’m listening, I’m being still and waiting on you. When you are ready, let’s just talk, shall we?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Got Tea?
March 9, 2009

More and more American’s are becoming disillusioned with our economic situation and are starting to form Tea Parties. Many PoPu’s are talking about our Founding Fathers and the things that birthed this nation and I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Why did we revolt against England, what was the Boston Tea Party really about? It was about taxation without representation. Men and women were willing to sacrifice, in this case tea, to say enough is enough. Are we, as a nation, getting ready to say ‘enough is enough’? What do we believe in and to whom is our pledge?

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

To the Republic… hmmm. Recently I received a link to a video that explained the difference between a Republic and a Democracy. I’ve always known that the United States is a Republic but I had forgotten just what that meant. It was probably do to the cute guy in my History class when I was in school. I’m a visual learner and not an audible learner and looking at a cute guy was more to my learning curve than listening to the teacher. So as you can see I am completely blameless in this situation, however, I digress.

As a Republic we are to have political leaders who over-see the laws of our constitution, a constitution that was written and molded by men who were much smarter than I; men who looked to God for guidance, who understood that this was to be ‘one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all’. Now before anyone freaks out and tells me that the Pledge of Allegiance wasn’t written until 1892 by Francis Bellamy, I know and that the ‘under God’ wasn’t added until 1954, I know that too, but I believe if the signers of the Declaration and the Framers of the Constitution had the thought they would have written it this way also. They had the same sentiments.

In a speech to the Constitutional Convention on June 28, 1787 Benjiman Franklin said this: “I've lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the Affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the House they labor in vain who build it. I firmly believe this, — and I also believe that without his concurring Aid, we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our Projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a Reproach and Bye word down to future Ages.” It is my understanding Franklin suggested they pray (or have someone pray) before they voted.

As I look at what is happening today in Congress, I wonder if any of the men and women is looking to God for guidance? And if they are, are they really listening?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Save, Save, I Want To Save You Money!
February 22, 2009

While I was watching TV the other day someone was trying to sell me the latest widget and I don’t know if I was tired or crazy but I really considered buying it. But the best, of course, is the “but wait there’s more” aspect of the pitch. First of all everything on late night TV cost $19.95. And every offer will double before the pitchman is done.

It has become a joke in my home sweet home. No matter what is being sold we pause so we can yell “but wait there’s more”. It reminds me of the awful car insurance commercials from the 1980’s. The salesman used to yell into the camera “Save, save, I want to save you Money!”

So this is my thought, how much extra do we spend because we think we are saving money? If the deal is so good, maybe we should buy two because it’s on sale. Even if we didn’t need the first one, we buy two because it’s on sale. The other day I was ordering books from Amazon and I was informed that if I spent just $3 more I would be eligible for free shipping. So guess what, I found something else to buy so I could get free shipping. I saved $5.86 on shipping, but spent an extra $11. 42 just so I could get free shipping, so did I get a good deal or not?

Take the Super Size… what a bargain. If I go to the Hungry Heifer or the Gas & Guts (I’m sure you’ve seen the slogan, fill your tank and your belly for under $20) and you can, but, when you go to get coffee, soda or slurpy burpy they slowly start to pull you in. For only $1.49 you can get a small. But wait there’s more. For only 20 cents more you can get a large. But wait there’s more, for another 20 cents you can get Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy. Can you believe it! An Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy for just $1.89? The small cup was eight ounces and there is not much refreshment there, but the Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy is now somewhere around a gallon and a half and enough calories to feed a small country. Just carrying it out of the store is almost more than one person can carry. Not to mention all the other people standing in ling waiting to pay for their own Ultra Gulpra Slurpy Burpy. So now you have all these people leaving Gas and Guts and they are about to experience a sugar overload, and in the very near future they will have to tinkle like there is no tomorrow and they are all getting ready to drive a car. But look at how much money was saved by buying bigger, better and more. I don’t think my wallet or my waistline can afford to continue saving this much money. Lord please stop me before I save again!