Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Number 14

As I reflect on the terror attach at Fort Hood I realize that few things bring ones own issues into focus faster than the cold blooded murder of innocent, defenseless people. People in the mist of everyday life going about their day never expecting or anticipating that such evil were lying in wait for them. Thirteen innocent people living their lives with honor and dignity and serving our country with pride.

But what about the 14th person? The one I haven’t heard anyone talking about, Pvt. Francheska Velez was pregnant. I don’t know how far along she was but she was home from Iraq and ready for leave because she was pregnant. This poor innocent child has, for the most part, been ignored. I find it a sad commentary on where we are as a society that an unborn child is no longer a person worthy to be counted.

I am blessed to have children and grandchildren. My children are older so I didn’t have the advantages of modern technology. There was no pregnancy test or ultrasound. I went through the pregnancy the old fashioned way. I missed my period and then had to wait until I missed my second one to guess that I was pregnant. Having been very regular, in my mind when I was a few days late, I knew in my heart that I was pregnant. From that moment, I knew there was a living, breathing human being inside of me. Yes, I was married, yes I wanted this, but every fiber of my being knew that this was a child. I had no doubt as to when life began. It began as soon as my egg became fertilized. By the time I knew there was a child inside of me, that child was already four to eight weeks old.

Just as I know that the baby that was living inside of Pvt. Velez was a human worthy of counting. So I mourn for the thirteen people that were murdered. And yes, I mourn for Baby Velez, number fourteen.